Lakewood, Ohio
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Lakewood, Ohio
Regular Council Meeting
Meeting Time: May 15, 2023 at 7:30pm EDT
1 Comment
Closed for Comment May 15, 2023 at 7:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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11. RESOLUTION 2023-23 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect at the earliest period allowed by law, authorizing the Mayor and/or Director of Finance or Director of Law to allocate and expend $86,178 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for accessibility expansion at Lakewood Public Library Madison Branch. (pg. 24
2023-23 Council ARPA Allocation to LPL
12. Communication from President Litten regarding August Recess. (pg. 26)
Litten - August Recess
13. Communication from Vice President Kepple regarding Community Health Needs Standing Committee name change. (pg. 27)
Kepple - CHNSC Name Change
14. RESOLUTION 2023-21 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law to change the name of the Community Health Needs Standing Committee to the Community Health Action Team (CHAT). (pg. 28)
2023-21 CHN Standing Committee name change
15. Communication from Director Leininger regarding Authorization to Sell Real Property Located at 12900 Madison Avenue (Youth Services Building). (pg. 29)
Leininger- Youth Services Building
16. ORDINANCE 13-2023 - AN ORDINANCE to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least five members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law, authorizing and directing the Mayor or Director of Planning & Development (Director) to enter into an agreement for the sale of 12900 Madison Avenue (Parcel 315-09-022), Lakewood, Ohio. (pg. 30)
13-2023 Youth Services Building Sale Agreement
17. Communication from Director Leininger regarding Winterhurst Ice Rink Operating Agreement. (pg. 33)
Leininger- Winterhurst Ice Rink Operating Agreement
18. Communication from Director Rancatore regarding 2023 Second Quarter Transfer Ordinance. (pg. 42)
Rancatore- 2023 Second Quarter Transfer Ordinance
19. ORDINANCE 14-2023 - AN ORDINANCE to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force at the earliest period allowed by law, authorizing the transfer and advance of certain funds. (pg. 43)
14-2023 Authorization of Funds
20. RESOLUTION 2023-24 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it received the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law approving the Tax Budget of the City of Lakewood, State of Ohio for the year 2024, and authorizing the filing of same with the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer. (pg. 45)
2023-24 2024 Tax Budget
21. RESOLUTION 2023-25 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council or otherwise, to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law requesting the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Officer to draw and the Cuyahoga County Treasurer to pay to the City of Lakewood Director of Finance an advance of all real, personal property and special assessments collected in the year 2024 in such amounts as may be requested and available. (pg. 46)
2023-25 2024 Collected Assessments for Director of Finance
22. RESOLUTION 2023-26 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law, accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Fiscal Officer. (pg. 48)
2023-26 Tax Levy Authorization
23. Communication from Director Gordon regarding 2023 Watermain & Lead Service Line Replacement Project. (pg. 50)
Gordon 2023 Watermain & Lead Service Line Replacement Project
24. RESOLUTION 2023-27 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law, permitting the Mayor, Director of Public Works, Finance Director and Purchasing Manager to apply for, accept, and enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account ("WSRLA") Agreement on behalf of the City of Lakewood for the construction of the 2023 Watermain and Lead Service Line Replacement Project ("Water Facilities"); and designating a dedicated repayment source for the loan. (pg. 51)
Water Supply Revolving Loan Account Agreement
25. Communication from Chief Kaucheck regarding National Police Week. (pg. 53)
Kaucheck- National Police Week
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