Meeting Time: June 17, 2024 at 7:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

11. ORDINANCE 11-2024 - AN ORDINANCE to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council to enact Section 901.23 Complete Streets of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Lakewood, to address the livability and safety needs of Lakewood by building upon efforts to promote an equitable multimodal transportation system.

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    Robert Organ 18 days ago

    Hello! I know many of you are probably missing my normally reliable, comforting presence tonight. Since I cannot be present, I must write here in e-comment form and ask that you pass this complete street ordinance. For too long have cars ruled our streets! Beginning in the early days of the automobile, when parents and concerned citizens decried the dangers of newly introduced cars and automakers coined the term "jay walking" in order to change the mindset of the public to believe that streets are for cars rather than people. Now we live in a society where not only is it widely accepted that streets are primarily for cars, but cars are often seen as the first or only means of transportation, even in a city as dense as Lakewood. I applaud Councilmembers Baker and Strebig as well as Council President Kepple for bringing this Ordinance before us. This Complete Streets ordinance will give our recently passed Active Transportation Plan teeth and require administrations far in the future to comply with the goals we have all set out to accomplish this year, something a resolution cannot do. I look forward to its passage and a time when people of all ages and abilities can walk, bike, and use transit in our great city.

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    Thomas Benko 18 days ago

    Please support Ordinance 11-2024 for complete streets. This will help to ensure that Lakewood improves the public safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and other car free transportation. Lakewood is a desirable community in large part due to it's walkable and bicycle freindly neighborhoods. There are many children, elderly people, and everyone in between who deserve the safest streets possible. A resolution is much too.easily bypassed.