Meeting Time: September 03, 2024 at 7:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

21. RESOLUTION 2024-54 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of a least two-thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect at the earliest period allowed by law, authorizing the Mayor or the Director of Planning & Development to apply to the Cuyahoga County Community Development Supplemental Grant Program for a $50,000 grant to be used for the improvements at Merl Bunts Park, located at 13823 Merl Avenue at the south east corner of Bunts Road, to provide a new playground and swings, safe compliant playground surfacing, a shaded, paved picnic area, a path connecting through the playground and picnic area, and a drinking fountain.

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    deanna domino 4 months ago

    I live on Giel ave and spend at least an hour every day with kids at the merl bunts park. I saw a preview of new equipment proposed to go in. Sadly, it does not look like an improvement. The design skews too young. My kids are 7 and 5- they already are too old for it. We would like to have something more like the Edwards park structure. It is good for multiple ages. The Taft park already has very young equipment, and it is a block away. At least 1/2 of the new equipment should be for 7-9 year olds. Kids grow up!
    As I said we spend lots of time there and have met good friends there. We all taught our kids to ride their bikes there. We'd love to have path for riding (like cove park) and more swings. Ideally things you can do WITH your kids like 4-person teeter Totter, zip line. We do not need a pavilion. That would be quite low on the list of priories. Please also ensure that no green space or trees are lost. Endless hours are spent flying kites and teams regularly use the field for practice.

    Currently Merl park is the best park! Why you ask? SHADE! No matter what goes there no trees should be removed from the area.
    In conclusion, please consider the true needs of the patrons of the park and the families that spend an immense amount of time there. If the grant is not approved yet, then surely there is time to order more appropriate equipment. And we reached out to many times to try to give input on the space. The meetings were not publicized and we were not notified of them.

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    Maureen Isbell 4 months ago

    this might be 2nd comment- not sure if initial went through. Members of Council - Many of us in the neighborhood that visit this park daily are asking that the proposed plans are revised. We feel the play structure is very similar to that of Taft which is in very close proximity to Merl-Bunts. The structure is geared to a younger child leaving little for 5-12 yr olds to be excited about. We are very appreciative to keep our trees which provide a great amount of shade, the open green space, the addition of the paved walk/bike loop, the picnic table, the possibility of a water fountain. We are invested in this park and will be for years to come. We want our kids to have a safe space to play and be outside for years to come. We appreciate your consideration in a revision to this plan.
    Maureen Isbell, 1522 Wyandotte Ave, mom to 4yr old, group of families with ages 2 - 8 yrs old.