Lakewood, Ohio
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Lakewood, Ohio
Regular Council Meeting
Meeting Time: March 21, 2022 at 7:30pm EDT
Closed for Comment March 21, 2022 at 7:30pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on. Or, Register to Speak at the Public Meeting.
12. ORDINANCE 14-2022 - AN ORDINANCE to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council repealing Section 549.19 Pocket Knives, of the Lakewood Codified Ordinances. (1st read & referred to Public Safety 3/7/22)
14-2022 - LCO 549.19 Pocket knives
V. New Business
13. Report from President O'Malley & Councilmember Shachner regarding National League of Cities Congressional Cities Conference held March 14-16, 2022. (to be provided)
14. RESOLUTION 2022-08 - A RESOLUTION to oppose and condemn in the strongest possible manner Ohio House Bills 322 and 327, which seek to censor discussion and discourage critical thinking on topics regarding race, sex, and American history in Ohio’s K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, and local governments.
2022-08 - Oppose HB 322 & 327
1 Comment
15. Communication from Councilmembers Baker, Bullock & Rader regarding Solsmart Designation.
Baker - SolSmart
16. RESOLUTION 2022-09 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect at the earliest period allowed by law, expressing the City’s intention to become a SolSmart-designated community to improve solar market conditions, making it faster, easier, and more affordable for the City’s residents and businesses to install solar energy systems.
2022-09 - Solsmart Resolution_3-2022_updated
17. Communication from Law Director Corrigan regarding Lakewood erosion control Shoreline Improvement District.
Corrigan - Shoreline Improvement SID
18. RESOLUTION 2022-10 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council, or otherwise to take effect at the earliest period allowed by law approving a petition for the creation of a shoreline special improvement district and for the levy of special assessments for shoreline improvement projects.
2022-10 - Approve petition for Shoreline Improvement SID
19. Communication from Law Director Corrigan regarding LCO 335.01 Driver’s or Commercial Driver’s License Required.
Corrigan - Amend LCO 335.01 Driver's License Required
20. ORDINANCE 15-2022 - AN ORDINANCE to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least five (5) members of Council, or otherwise to take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law, amending Section 335.01, Driver’s or Commercial Driver’s License Required, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Lakewood in order update the penalties for violation of this provision to match those established in the Ohio Revised Code.
15-2022 - Amend 335.01 Driver's License Required
21. Communication from Human Services Director Gelsomino regarding Cuyahoga County Division of Children & Family Services, Community Based Services Contract.
Gelsomino - Community Based Services Contract
22. Communication from Public Works Director Ducu regarding Community Recycling Awareness Grant Award.
Ducu - Community Recycling Awareness Grant
23. Communication from Fire Chief Dunphy regarding Severe Weather Awareness Week 2022.
Severe Weather Awareness Council Cover Letter 2022
24. RESOLUTION 2022-11 - A RESOLUTION to take effect immediately provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the members of Council proclaiming March 20th through March 26th, 2022 "Severe Weather Awareness Week."
2022-11 - Severe Weather Week 2022 Resolution
VI. Public Comment
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